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26.09.2024 lock

Annual Conference 2024

The topics addressed at the GCO Annual Conference will notably include comments on recent case law from the Federal Court and the FDF (37AMLA), as well as the practical implications for Compliance officers, a summary of trends observed by MROS, a review of the consultations in which the GCO has participated (OSFIN-FINMA, MLA), presentations on market abuse in crypto markets, fraud, corruption, and ESG matters. The conference will begin at 10 AM, following the General Assembly. Details will be available soon on the GCO website. Membership fees to the GCO must be up to date and are a prerequisite for participating in the Conference.

26.09.2024 lock

General Assembly 2024

Ordinary annual general assembly 2022 is reserved only to the members of GCO.

20.06.2024 lock Group 3

Reunion GT3 - 20 juin 2024 - Organisation pour l'exercice 24-25 et co-responsabilité


GT2 Apéro d'été

Our famous summer drinks outing Meet up at the kiosque of Parc des Bastions, the first one to get there picks a table and adds lots of chairs :-)

11.06.2024 lock Group 4

Reunion GT4 - 11 juin 2024 - Circulaire FINMA sur les risques et résilience opérationnelle

23.05.2024 Group 2

Réunion GT2 - IF sous-traitants de la banque / Contrôles 1er et 2e niveau

07.05.2024 lock Group 4

Reunion GT4 - 7 mai 2024 - Tour de table LBA

07.05.2024 lock Group 4

Reunion GT4 - 7 mai 2024 - Tour de table LBA (Copy)

30.04.2024 lock

Conférence de Printemps du GCO 2024

Conférence de Printemps 2024 sur le sujet "Sanctions - obligations en présence d'un lien avec la Russie : attentes du régulateur et leçons clés de la place financière".

18.04.2024 lock Group 2

GT2 séance 18.4.2024 - 37LBA impact sur le compliance officer

16.04.2024 lock Group 4

Reunion GT4 - 16 avril 2024

06.02.2024 lock Group 4

GT4 - Réunion mensuelle - 06 février - LPD tour de table- animation Aline F. (Copy)

16.01.2024 lock Group 4

GT4 - Réunion mensuelle - 16 janvier - Revue des EAM

Périmètre et profondeur de revue des EAM

11.01.2024 lock Group 2

05.12.2023 lock Group 4

GT4 - Réunion mensuelle - 5 Decembre 2023 - LEFin / LSFin : Mise en place et retour d’expérience sur les premiers audits (par Philippe F. et Michael B.) (Copy)

GT4 - Réunion mensuelle - 5 Decembre 2023 - LEFin / LSFin : Mise en place et retour d’expérience sur les premiers audits (par Philippe F. et Michael B.)

14.11.2023 lock Group 4

GT4 - Monthly Meeting - 14 November 2023 - ESG roundtable

ESG roundtable

05.10.2023 lock

Annual Conference 2023

Traditional annual conference 2023

05.10.2023 lock

General Assembly 2023

Ordinary annual general assembly 2023 is reserved only to the members of GCO.

04.05.2023 lock

22.09.2022 lock

General Assembly 2022

Ordinary annual general assembly 2022 is reserved only to the members of GCO.

22.09.2022 lock

Annual Conference 2022

Traditional annual conference 2022

05.05.2022 lock

30.09.2021 lock

General Assembly 2021

Traditional annual conference and annual general assembly 2021

30.09.2021 lock

Annual Conference 2021

Traditional annual conference and annual general assembly 2021

01.10.2020 lock

Annual Conference and General Assembly 2020

Traditional annual conference and general assembly 2020

26.09.2019 lock

Annual Conference and General Assembly 2019

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